Did You Know? At Least COVID Let Us Know We Can Turbo Through A Vaccine Development.
Finally some good news from the race for COVID-19 cure. 🎉
Speeding up a #Vaccine development (or pharmaceuticals) is risky. It usually takes an average of ten years to release an approved medicinal drug officially. #NowThatsIncrediville. From research to experiment, validation, and waiting to see how it works, it just takes forever. 😪
Before it’s safe for any human being, there’s the animal trial phase. Because we need to make sure we don’t f*uck up an animal’s life. (usually mammals) When that’s done with about 1–2 years, we take it further to test it on humans.
The #HumanTrial takes a lengthy 5–7 years with a series of recruiting volunteers and waiting for results. ⏱️ Only by testing on different participants can researchers figure out the perfect dose that’s not too high, not too low. This is the most crucial part of a development.
It’s one stage after another that takes time and effort. Success rates for vaccines are so low that maybe even starting a business is easier. How long is ten years you say? It’s when Facebook just started, and people were stealing your corn; it’s when iPhones just came out, and blackberries went MIA.
Unfortunately, we might not have ten years of time to spare. Till now, the U.S. has passed 10 million COVID-19 cases as Joe Biden urged Americans to take all measures needed in case of another surge. Put on your goddam masks wherever you go. 😷
Developing vaccines is long-haul. It’s time-consuming and drains dollars fast. And again, even if development is finished, it’s actual use isn’t guaranteed until tested. From clinical testing to finally getting approved by the government, less than 10% of vaccines get through the finish line.
I mean, we need to make sure it saves lives, right? But it’s necessary at unprecedented times like this. Even if it takes time, we learn from trials and errors. It’s the determination by scientists and doctors that made modern medicine so powerful today.