Did you know? Cats Secretly Self-taught Some Physics.
Every object will remain in uniform meowtion unless… Animal scientists have discovered that cats are aware of basic physics concepts.
And of course, the Japanese were behind this. An experiment led by experts in Japan called up 30 cats to verify this speculation.
The experiment would involve a plastic container box, three metal balls, and an electromagnet. So, the scientists would rock the boxes with balls inside, making sounds to indicate something’s in there and flip it upside down. Simply put, It’s a magic trick for cats.
This is where the electromagnet comes to play. Researchers would either make the balls jingle but keep them intact, or shake the box silently but make the balls drop out.
These two peculiar scenarios would make cats stare at the boxes for a longer time-span. That’s why researchers hypothesize cats realized something went wrong. It’s not following the law of physics.
It may seem trivial, but this simple test requires the participant to understand the idea of causality and gravity. These are abstract concepts that involve training to let animals perceive. This is true even for chimps, one of the most intelligent animals on the planet.
So why do cats have a default setting for a genius brain? If you remember our feline friends were once born predators, it would make more sense. Being able to make judgments by sound when hunting seems to be a crucial survival skill. After years of evolution, cats just came to a point where they would inherit this brain of a junior Newton.
That being said, it’s only been around 400 years since universal gravitation was discovered by humans. Whether on purpose or not, just after a little bit more of knocking off your glasses, cats might be able to build rockets in homes too. You never know ;)
You know they’ve been making those annoying experiments all the time. All those shattered glasses on the floor maybe were gone for scientific purposes.
We have to make it clear though, any experiment involved with animals is a goddam pain in the ass. It’s nearly impossible to predict and fully interpret animal behavior. There’s only a little information that scientists can take further with the cats staring at boxes. Again, studies on this very subject need to be further proved to claim 100% true.
Bonus for the cat owners: Issac Newton was actually one of you. He was a die-hard cat-person he even put kitty passes on every door in his house. Plus, Newton was ahead of his time. Unlike nowadays, cats weren’t that popular in the U.K. yet. He wasn’t just a pioneer in science, the feline world probably owes some credit as well.