Did You Know? Stonehenge Is The Perfect Venue For The Next Halftime Show

2 min readFeb 24, 2021
Artwork by Incrediville

You’ve seen the Stonehenge in movies, you’ve heard about its mystery, or you’ve probably even been there.

🗿 To this day, nobody really knows who built the Stonehenge. While the legendary neolithic monument was suspected to be Merlin’s wizardry or ruins of a Roman temple and many other things, it could have also been a rock music venue.

🔊 The acoustics are just too good for blasting some jams. Miraculously, sound waves can travel to every corner, and the resonance was perfect. Agreed by researchers from the Royal College of Art in London, the Stonehenge was more than
some standing stones.

🧘 Further neuroscience studies even pointed out that the Stonehenge frequency can produce alpha waves. What are Alpha waves? It’s the same frequencies our brains produce when we’re meditating, relaxed, and just not thinking about anything.

🏈 Above are the perfect reason why any music legend would want to throw a concert here. The audience would all be “waving” in sync and getting high. I don’t know about you, but I think the next #Superbowl should be there.

Note: Your brain produces alpha waves (8–12Hz) when you’re awake and laid back just minding your own business. It probably happens when you’re brushing teeth in the morning or daydreaming at school and work.





Illustrating science since 2017 from Taipei. We serve fast food for the thought in this town. (っ◔◡◔)っ This is where we keep our fact sources and art.