Did You Know? Your Phone Is Trying To Control Your Life
If you think you’re immune from fear, think again.
A recent study has shown that nine out of ten people suffer from #Nomophobia. Nomophobia creates anxiety and liability whenever our phones are dying or out of service. We can never be disconnected anymore. Reliance on phones has increased only upwards and made addictions worse. While it has made us insecure, researchers have also found it works the other way. People are more active and hyped when batteries are 100% charged. Phones are taking over our minds, emotions and the way we act.
Another British study has discovered an unseen correlation between human perception of space and time with battery percentage. Contrary to how we normally perceive how much time has passed, or the distance we have walked down the street, we now measure that through how much battery has drained. We start to make judgments of our surroundings based on our phones. Crazy right? Phone performances are nearly dictating our daily lives — Do you feel ready to get out of the house only when it’s 100% charged? Does it make you want to go home when your phone’s dying? Are plugs a deciding factor now when you pick which restaurant you go to? Do you even complain the train is running too slow when it’s really your battery draining too fast?
Phones have become an essential part of us. We need those tiny gadgets to help us handle numerous tasks throughout the day. But do we really? Take a step back and find time to recharge yourself next time. Forget about your phone for once.
Besides what we’ve mentioned above, the same research has also given insight into what impression we give based on how much we care about our battery life. The researchers have made suggestions that the way we drain or not drain our phone batteries can provide others with different implications on our behaviors. For instance, those who always consciously keep their battery levels high can seem controlling (or just always anticipating calls from work); those who always have little battery from gaming make people feel they’re lazy and careless. Especially since phones play such a big role in our lives now, whoever doesn’t care how much juice is left would seem outcasted or indifferent. We admit the research could have gone too far. Because I always charge my phone to the max even if I knew nobody was looking for me. Because who knows, maybe I’ll get a new Tinder match, and god knows how much juice I’ll need for that.